BTC: 57.142152314584
ETH: 11.64526620703
Fear & Greed: 61/100
Spot Trading volume (within 24 hours)
About is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange that provides a variety of cryptocurrencies and tokens trading services. The platform supports more than 1,400 cryptocurrencies and 2,500 transactions, with a daily transaction volume of more than 12 billion US dollars, including spot and margin transactions. In addition, has also expanded its services, including options, futures and derivatives. was founded in 2013 and was regarded as a stable and reliable exchange, providing user -friendly trading interface, universal customer support, and powerful mobile applications. However, is not highly supervised and does not provide a legal currency withdrawal or deposit service. In order to make withdrawal or deposit, users need to complete the compulsory KYC (understand your customer) process.

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Spot Exchange
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Common problems
What does centralized exchange mean?
A centralized exchange generally refers to a custodial asset trading place controlled and managed by a company or operating entity. Users need to deposit their assets on the platform to start trading. In traditional finance, stock exchanges such as NYSE, Nasdaq, etc. are all centralized exchanges. Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken are centralized exchanges in the crypto industry. Their operations are similar to Nasdaq, using a central order book model to match transactions and determine asset prices.
What fiat currencies does support? currently supports 22 types, including EUR, USD, GBP, TRY, AUD, BRL, CHF, HKD, AED, PLN, VND, SEK, NZD, TWD, UAH, RON, INR, DKK, MYR, NOK, CZK, ILS.
What is the market capitalization of
The current market value of is 4267.
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